New ROR Update and Final GRID Sync

By Maria Gould | September 29, 2021

In July, ROR and GRID announced that the two registries would begin to diverge in Q4 2021 following GRID’s final public release.

GRID has now completed its latest and final public release (available here). ROR has incorporated the updates in this release into its own data. With these two releases, there is a 1:1 correspondence of GRID IDs to ROR IDs, and vice versa.

The new ROR dataset includes IDs and metadata for 102,392 organizations.

ROR has always planned to become independent of GRID. Since the July announcement, ROR has been working with community members to support their needs and use cases for transitioning from GRID to ROR.

How can I switch from GRID to ROR?

The following resources are a good starting point for those transitioning from GRID to ROR. If you have questions, please post in the ROR Tech Support discussion group so other users can be part of the conversation.

When will ROR’s first independent release happen?

ROR is developing its infrastructure to support independent updates to the registry. The timeframe for ROR’s first independent release is not yet finalized but we will continue to share information with the community about the projected schedule.

Anyone can submit requests to ROR to add or update records in the registry. ROR is implementing a community-based curation model to review and process requests. You can read more about the curation model and follow specific requests on Github.

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