We are thrilled to introduce a new member of the ROR pride: Amanda French has joined ROR as our full-time Technical Community Manager.
Amanda is a well-known community manager and project director in the digital humanities and scholarly communication sphere. Most recently, she served as Community Lead at The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic, where she helped build and nurture a community of more than 800 volunteers dedicated to collecting and publishing key COVID-19 data. Prior to that, she directed the Mellon-funded project “Resilient Networks for Inclusive Digital Humanities” at the George Washington University Libraries, directed the Digital Research Services unit at Virginia Tech University Libraries, led the THATCamp unconference initiative at George Mason University’s Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, and was a member of the first cohort of Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellows. She often speaks and sometimes writes about openness in scholarly publishing, crowdsourcing, Agile, digital humanities, and related topics.
Amanda will be working with ROR’s three operating organizations and the broader ROR community to promote and support the adoption of ROR in systems used throughout research and scholarly communications workflows. This includes engaging with new and existing ROR adopters, as well as with other community stakeholders, to understand their workflows and systems and to guide their implementations and integrations.
We are excited to have Amanda join the team at such a critical time for ROR’s growth and expansion!
As a reminder, there are a number of resources available to learn about integrating ROR and working with ROR IDs, and there are many ways to get involved in community activities and discussions about ROR integrations. These include:
- Technical support documentation
- Technical support discussion forum
- List of current integrations (fill out this form if your integration is not listed)
- Community advisory group and adoption working group (email ROR to request to join)
- adoption
- annual-meeting
- api
- aps
- caltechdata
- clarivate
- clear-skies
- coki
- communication
- community
- cross-post
- crossref
- curation
- data
- datacite
- datasalon
- development
- dryad
- europepmc
- facilities
- fairsharing
- feedback
- figshare
- funders
- governance
- grei
- grid
- guest-post
- hierarchy
- implementation
- integrations
- interviews
- inveniordm
- jobs
- latin-america
- machine-learning
- matching
- metadata
- metadata-game-changers
- mvr
- open-access
- open-infrastructure
- openalex
- optica
- orcid
- osf
- persistent-identifiers
- pidapalooza
- pids
- prototype
- publishers
- publishing
- registry
- research-integrity
- researchequals
- resources
- rockefeller-university-press
- rrid
- schema
- scholastica
- silverchair
- steering-group
- straininfo
- sustainability
- team
- web-of-science
- working-group
- zenodo