
Upcoming events

FSCI Virtual Course - An Introduction to Querying the APIs of Open Metadata Services

  • Date: Tuesday July 23 - Thursday July 26
  • Time: 4pm UTC
  • Duration: 1 hour each for 3 sessions
  • Location: Online
  • Description: This FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute (FSCI) virtual course, co-taught by Technical Community Managers from Crossref, DataCite, and ROR, will introduce participants to the basics of querying the APIs of open metadata services. The course will be suitable for beginners who are not familiar with API queries and want to learn more about “how the sausage is made” in browser-based tools such as OpenAlex, CHORUS, The Lens, Dimensions, and Web of Science. Read more on the FSCI course list.

Register for FSCI Virtual Course V06

FORCE11 Annual Conference

  • Date: Thursday, August 1 - Saturday, August 3
  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Description: ROR team members will be in attendance in person at the annual meeting of FORCE11, which brings together a wide and diverse set of stakeholders from scholarly communications communities.

Register for FORCE11

Paris Conference on Open Research Information

  • Date: September 23-24, 2024
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Location: Paris
  • Recorded: No
  • Description: ROR team members will be present at the Paris Conference on Open Research Information. To support signatories of the Barcelona Declaration in fulfilling their commitment to open research information, the Paris Conference on Open Research Information aims to provide a forum for sharing experiences and good practices regarding open research information and to develop a joint roadmap for open research information.

Learn more about the Paris Conference on Open Research Information

ROR Community Call September 2024

  • Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Time: 3pm UTC
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Location: Online
  • Recorded: Yes
  • Description: The bi-monthly ROR Community calls include updates from the ROR team, opportunities for feedback on proposals for changes to ROR policies and procedures, demonstrations and presentations by ROR users, and more.

Register for the September Community Call

ROR Community Call November 2024

  • Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
  • Time: 4pm UTC
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Location: Online
  • Recorded: Yes
  • Description: The bi-monthly ROR Community calls include updates from the ROR team, opportunities for feedback on proposals for changes to ROR policies and procedures, demonstrations and presentations by ROR users, and more.

Register for the November Community Call


Past events

ROR Community Call July 2024

The bi-monthly ROR Community calls include updates from the ROR team, opportunities for feedback on proposals for changes to ROR policies and procedures, demonstrations and presentations by ROR users, and more. In the ROR Community Call for July 2024, we hear initial thoughts on adding credentialing to the ROR API, request feedback on a proposal to add additional external identifiers to ROR records, learn about new ROR adoptions, notably DSpace 8, and see presentations from featured integrators the American Physical Society (APS) and Curvenote.

ROR Community Call May 2024

The bi-monthly ROR Community calls include updates from the ROR team, opportunities for feedback on proposals for changes to ROR policies and procedures, demonstrations and presentations by ROR users, and more. The ROR Community Call for May 2024 includes general updates, an update on the April launch of the v2 ROR API and schema, and an overview of publisher identifiers in DataCite’s new metadata schema 4.5.

ROR Community Call March 2024

The bi-monthly ROR Community calls include updates from the ROR team, opportunities for feedback on proposals for changes to ROR policies and procedures, demonstrations and presentations by ROR users, and more. The ROR Community Call for March 2024 includes an update on v2 of the ROR API and schema, a summary of a special project to improve our coverage of Chinese organizations, new and notable ROR adoptions, and an update on Crossref’s work on the transition from the Open Funder Registry to ROR.

Why We All Need Good Funding Metadata

At the ROR annual meeting in January 2024, the session Why We All Need Good Funding Metadata addressed the issue that funding information is an increasingly important piece of metadata for many stakeholders, yet standardizing and using identifiers for funders remains a challenge. With ROR set to become the standard persistent identifier for funders, we convened a panel for ROR’s annual community meeting to hear from diverse perspectives about how funding metadata is used and what might make it better. We heard from funders, publishers, metadata specialists, and more, including CHORUS, the publishing unit of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Dryad, Crossref, and from Stratos for Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s, and afterward joined a discussion about funding metadata challenges and opportunities.

ROR Community Showcase

At the ROR annual meeting in January 2024, the Community Showcase featured presentations on how ROR is used in some key global scholarly systems and workflows, including at OpenAlex, 4Science / DSpace-CRIS, ORCID, Springer Nature, US Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), and the ROR Implementation Task Group of the NIH’s Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI).

ROR Annual Community Meeting and Fifth Anniversary Celebration

The 2024 version of the ROR annual meeting was a special one! We held a ROR Annual Community Meeting and Fifth Anniversary Celebration in January 2024 to celebrate ROR turning 5 years old, taking the opportunity to reflect on the last five years, remembering where we started and how we got here. We hear about where we’ve been and where we’re going in terms of our community of adopters, our curation activities, and our tech. Most importantly, we also acknowledge ROR community contributors, without whom we’d never have come this far, and we do some brainstorming about what’s next. In conclusion: let’s ROR some more in 2024!

US Federal Guidance and PIDs

In the US Federal Guidance and PIDs webinar on December 7, 2023, panelists from ROR, ORCID, Crossref, DataCite and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information discuss guidance memos issued by the U.S. Federal Government that encourage the use of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs). Memos include the 2021 NSPM-33 memo and the 2022 OSTP Public Access memo. Panelists include DOE OSTI’s Dr. Carly Robinson, ORCID’s Shawna Sadler, ROR’s Amanda French, Crossref’s Isaac Farley, and DataCite’s Xiaoli Chen.

ROR Community Call November 2023

In the ROR Community Call for November 2023, we hear updates about ROR Curation, Tech, and Adoption, including stats on the number of recent curation requests (a lot!), the beta release of version 2 of the ROR schema and API, and new and notable ROR adoptions, plus interesting stats on ROR and affiliations in ORCID. We also hear from three featured integrators: Tom Morrell of Caltech on his university’s ROR-enabled repositories, Nick Veenstra of University of Groningen on mapping messy organization data from the CRIS system to ROR, and Nina Tscheke of ScienceOpen on their platform’s use of ROR.

ROR Community Call September 2023

In the ROR Community Call for September 2023, we hear about version 2 of the ROR API and schema and how you can help us beta test. We also hear from Rachael Lammey, Director of Product at Crossref, on the Open Funder Registry deprecation in favor of ROR. Featured ROR integration presentations include a talk by Andy Dobson on ROR in DataSalon’s MasterVision and PaperStack and a talk by Joe Mcarthur on ROR in OA.Report.

ROR Community Call July 2023

Featured ROR integrators in the ROR Community Call for July 2023 include the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) and the Public Knowledge Project / Open Journal Systems (OJS). We hear about new funders for ROR, ROR curation activities, progress on version 2.0 of the ROR metadata schema and API, and progress on ROR adoption.

ROR Community Call May 2023

In the ROR Community Call for May 2023, we hear updates on ROR curation and tech, a list of events that ROR will be attending in the summer of 2023, and hear two reports from ROR integrators Scholastica and EuropePMC.

ROR Community Call March 2023

In the ROR Community Call for March 2023, we hear about proposed schema updates, stats from 1 year of independent curation, upcoming events and new ROR adoptions, and a presentation from ROR integrator FAIRsharing.

ROR Schema Changes Call

In the ROR Schema Changes Call on March 16, 2023, Technical Lead Liz Krznarich presents a summary of community responses to the request for feedback on proposed changes to the ROR schema and goes over planned changes in detail.

ROR Annual Community Meeting 2023

Four years and four sessions at the ROR Annual Community Meeting 2023 took place from January 31 to February 1 2023! We heard updates on what ROR accomplished in 2022, conducted an introductory tutorial to the ROR API, and explored how to use ROR to match affiliation strings in a technical session featuring lightning talks and demos by OpenAlex, DOE/OSTI, Allen AI, and Crossref. We also held an unrecorded drop-in session for informal conversations with the ROR Community.

More past events

Browse the list below to see more events ROR has participated in, with links to slides and recordings where available.

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