
Team Updates

Change, Continuity, and New Positions on the ROR Team

ROR is fortunate to have a small but mighty team that strives every day to make ROR as good as it can be and to support the diverse needs of our global community.

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Team Updates

Now Hiring: Metadata Curation Support Contractor

ROR is seeking a short-term curation support contractor as registry curation activities continue to expand. Please consider submitting an application and help spread the word to your networks!

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Team Updates

ROR Is Hiring a Technical Community Manager

ROR is hiring! We are looking for a full-time Technical Community Manager to expand the adoption and integration of ROR throughout the global scholarly communications ecosystem.

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Team Updates

Job Posting: ROR Technical Lead

ROR is looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join as our Technical Lead, based at DataCite. You will be leading, developing, and architecting ROR services and infrastructure.

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Team Updates

Now Hiring: Metadata Curation Lead

ROR is looking for a data manager to lead metadata curation activities for the registry, including coordinating registry updates and maintenance, working with ROR’s community curation advisors, and developing and implement long-term curation policies and practices.

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