Machine Learning


The Anatomy of Metadata Matching

The second blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk describes some basic matching-related terminology and the components of a matching process, then poses some typical product questions to consider when developing or integrating matching solutions.

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Metadata Matching 101: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

ROR Curation Lead Adam Buttrick has been working with Crossref Head of Strategic Initiatives Dominika Tkaczyk to explore improvements in automatic metadata matching strategies that can result in better metadata for everyone.

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Case Studies

Case Study: Clear Skies, Research Integrity, Data Science, and ROR

Adam Day, CEO of Clear Skies Ltd., discusses how he works to improve research integrity with tools like Papermill Alarm, why such tools can assist but can’t replace human investigators, and what’s so important for data scientists about free and open identifers like ROR.

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Case Studies

Case Study: OpenAlex, ROR, and Machine Learning Models

Justin Barrett, Lead Machine Learning Engineer for OpenAlex at OurResearch, talks with ROR Technical Community Manager Amanda French and ROR Curation Lead Adam Buttrick about using ROR both as an identifier for institutions in OpenAlex and as a dataset for training machine learning models that enrich OpenAlex metadata.

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