Metadata Matching: Beyond Correctness
The fifth and final blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk outlines a set of pragmatic criteria for making decisions about metadata matching.
By Dominika Tkaczyk and Adam Buttrick
The fifth and final blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk outlines a set of pragmatic criteria for making decisions about metadata matching.
By Anita Bandrowski (RRID) and Amanda French (ROR)
This blog post explores the difference between “core facilities” in RRID and “facilities” in ROR and provides guidance for those who run facilities on how to effectively use these identifiers.
By Dominika Tkaczyk and Adam Buttrick
The fourth blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk explains how to measure the quality of different matching strategies with an evaluation dataset and metrics.
By Dominika Tkaczyk and Adam Buttrick
The third blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk discusses a few common myths about metadata matching that are often encountered when interacting with users, developers, integrators, and other stakeholders.
By Dominika Tkaczyk and Adam Buttrick
The second blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk describes some basic matching-related terminology and the components of a matching process, then poses some typical product questions to consider when developing or integrating matching solutions.
By Dominika Tkaczyk and Adam Buttrick
ROR Curation Lead Adam Buttrick has been working with Crossref Head of Strategic Initiatives Dominika Tkaczyk to explore improvements in automatic metadata matching strategies that can result in better metadata for everyone.
By Amanda French, Adam Buttrick
Following on the announcement that Crossref’s Open Funder Registry will be merging with ROR after 2024, we’d like to do a deep dive into the specifics of the evidence that ROR is ready to take on the important work that the Open Funder Registry has been doing: identifying research funders in a clean, consistent, comprehensive, and interoperable way.
By ROR Core Team
One common question we receive about ROR registry records is whether they reflect organizational hierarchy and relationships between organizations – yes, they do!
By Adam Buttrick and Maria Gould
The ROR registry includes unique IDs and associated metadata records for 100,000+ research organizations. Each one of these organizations has at least one name.
By Maria Gould
Some of the most frequent questions ROR receives are about what it means when an organization is in ROR, and how organizations end up in the registry in the first place.