
Team Updates

Welcome Riley Marsh, Metadata Manager

We are thrilled to introduce a new member of the ROR pride: Riley Marsh joined the ROR team in August as our new Metadata Manager.

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The Anatomy of Metadata Matching

The second blog post about metadata matching by ROR's Adam Buttrick and Crossref's Dominika Tkaczyk describes some basic matching-related terminology and the components of a matching process, then poses some typical product questions to consider when developing or integrating matching solutions.

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Metadata Matching 101: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

In this blog, the first one in a series about metadata matching, we will cover the very basics of matching: what it is, how we do it, and why we devote so much effort to this problem.

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Team Updates

Now Hiring: Metadata Curation Support Contractor

ROR is seeking a short-term curation support contractor as registry curation activities continue to expand. Please consider submitting an application and help spread the word to your networks!

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Parents, Children, and Other Relationships in ROR Records

ROR supports parent-child organizational hierarchies as well as other types of relationships between organizations. This blog post explains how organizational hierarchies and relationships are expressed in ROR metadata, offers statistics on hierarchies and relationships in ROR, summarizes ROR's curation practices for hierarchies and relationships, and gives examples of real-life use cases of ROR hierarchies and relationships.

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Technical News

Handling Organization Status Changes in ROR

2022 was a big year for ROR in many ways, but it was especially notable from a tech standpoint. In early 2022, we built tools and processes that allowed ROR to begin curating the registry separately from GRID, which quickly opened possibilities for tackling projects that had been waiting on the back burner until ROR became fully independent.

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What's in a name? Handling name metadata in ROR

The ROR registry includes unique IDs and associated metadata records for 100,000+ research organizations. Each one of these organizations has at least one name.

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Technical News

ROR-ing on our own: Announcing our first independent registry update

The ROR registry has grown! We are excited to announce a new ROR registry release. With this update, the registry has grown to 102,559 records.

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Team Updates

Now Hiring: Metadata Curation Lead

ROR is looking for a data manager to lead metadata curation activities for the registry, including coordinating registry updates and maintenance, working with ROR’s community curation advisors, and developing and implement long-term curation policies and practices.

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What Does it Mean to Be in ROR?

Some of the most frequent questions ROR receives are about what it means when an organization is in ROR, and how organizations end up in the registry in the first place.

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