Year in Review

Year in Review

ROR's Year in Review: 2023

As we near the end of 2023, we are taking a moment to reflect on what has been another significant year for ROR.

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Year in Review

ROR's Year in Review: 2022

2022 has been a momentous year for ROR! We experienced significant growth, reached critical milestones, and established a foundation for long-term sustainability.

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Year in Review

ROR’s 2020 Annual Report: A ROR-port on the past year and a look to what’s next

ROR is a specific type of identifier and a specific type of initiative that does not always fit neatly into pre-defined notions and categories.

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Year in Review

A Reflection on ROR's First Year

Flashback to one year ago, December 2018: The ROR project team was putting the final pieces in place to launch the ROR MVR (minimum viable registry) in January.

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