Job Posting: ROR Technical Lead
ROR is looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join as our Technical Lead, based at DataCite. You will be leading, developing, and architecting ROR services and infrastructure.
By Maria Gould
December 8, 2021
ROR is looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join as our Technical Lead, based at DataCite. You will be leading, developing, and architecting ROR services and infrastructure.
By Tom Demeranville, Paula Demain and Dan Dineen
October 22, 2021
The Research Organization Registry (ROR) has been added to the ORCID Registry as a disambiguated Organization ID. ROR can now be used with the ORCID API and Affiliation Manager to record research institution identifiers and metadata, thus making it easier to track the impact of institutional research.
By Maria Gould
October 1, 2021
ROR is looking for a data manager to lead metadata curation activities for the registry, including coordinating registry updates and maintenance, working with ROR’s community curation advisors, and developing and implement long-term curation policies and practices.
By Maria Gould
September 29, 2021
In July, ROR and GRID announced that the two registries would begin to diverge in Q4 2021 following GRID’s final public release.
By Liz Krznarich
July 27, 2021
ROR adoption is ramping up, and we’ve been hard at work during the past few months creating resources (or should we say ROR-sources?
By ROR Leadership Team
July 12, 2021
Earlier today, GRID announced that it will discontinue its schedule of public releases in Q4 2021. This decision marks an important and exciting milestone in the evolution of both organization registries.
By Maria Gould
March 23, 2021
ROR is releasing our first-ever Annual Report. Adopting the model of annual reports distributed by nonprofit organizations, this document aims to provide an overview of ROR’s progress in 2020 and a preview of work to come in 2021.
By Maria Gould
February 12, 2021
In the same week that ROR celebrated its third birthday, PIDapalooza celebrated the fifth festival of persistent identifiers, also as a virtual event.
By Maria Gould
February 3, 2021
ROR had a birthday last week and marked the occasion just like anyone else celebrating a birthday during the pandemic: with a virtual party!