

Early Adopters of Organization Identifiers in DataCite

Version 4.3 of the DataCite Metadata Schema released during August, 2019 included (among other things), the capability to provide persistent identifiers for affiliated organizations in the metadata (Dasler and deSmaele, Identify your affiliation with Metadata Schema 4.

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Event Recaps

ROR-ing Together in Portugal: A Community Celebration

ROR had a party in Portugal last month! Sixty friends - some new, some old - came together in Lisbon on the eve of PIDapalooza 2020 to celebrate ROR’s unofficial first birthday, marking one year since the registry debuted at a community meeting in Dublin in January 2019.

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Year in Review

A Reflection on ROR's First Year

Flashback to one year ago, December 2018: The ROR project team was putting the final pieces in place to launch the ROR MVR (minimum viable registry) in January.

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General Updates

A Note of Thanks from ROR

As we announced previously, ROR launched a fundraising campaign in October to ensure the registry’s long-term sustainability. We are grateful for the community supporters who have already contributed to this campaign.

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Untangling Affiliation Strings with the ROR API

ROR launched in January 2019 with records for nearly 100,000 research organizations, all with unique IDs and associated metadata. ROR data is useful for a variety of reasons and for a variety of users, including both humans and machines.

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General Updates

Meet the ROR Steering Group

ROR is thrilled to announce that we are welcoming new members to the ROR Steering Group.

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General Updates

Pride in Community: ROR Fundraising Update

ROR launched a fundraising campaign in October to call on community stakeholders to pitch in toward supporting ROR’s long-term sustainability. While the overall goal of this campaign is to raise $175,000 from community supporters over the next two years, we set an initial target of $75,000 by the end of 2019.

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Help Build Open Infrastructure for Organization Identifiers: A Call to Support and Sustain ROR

ROR is the Research Organization Registry, a community-led project to develop an open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifier for every research organization in the world.

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Adoption News

ROR-ing Together: Implementing Organization IDs in Dryad

How many datasets have been published in Dryad from researchers at the University of California? This question is surprisingly complicated. A short answer might be, we don’t know!

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Technical News

ROR development update: Building and growing an open registry of organizations

ROR is an open registry for every research organization in the world, aiming to solve the problem of identifying which organizations are affiliated with which research outputs.

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